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Location Maison à Saint-Barthélemy 7 pièces

0 € / mois
Charges : 0 €

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Financez vos charges locatives : 0 €

Crédit consommation

Assurance habitation : 25,16 €/mois

Assurance habitation


7 pièces
6 chambres
6 salles de bains
6 Toilettes
A≤ 50B51 à 90C91 à 150D151 à 230E231 à 330F331 à 450NCG> 450
en kWhEP/
A≤ 5B6 à 10C11 à 20D21 à 35E36 à 55F56 à 80NCG> 80
en kgeqCO2/

Location Maison à Saint-Barthélemy 7 pièces

We are delighted to offer you Villa ANGEL and we remain at your entire disposal to offer you the exclusive services of Bucket List Villa, and to assist you in organizing your stay on the island. from St Barts. Rates are weekly, in US dollars ($). The local tourist tax (5%) is not included. A minimum stay of 7 nights is required, shorter stays on request. All bookings including Christmas and New Years Day will be considered to be in the holiday season with a minimum stay of 14 nights. Rates are subject to change without notice. Please consult us for more information on our booking conditions.

Contacter l'agence :

Bucket List Villa
BP 1236 St Jean,
97133 st barthelemy

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